

In order to effectively meet every single need of our clients, we have carefully customized our services instead of mass-producing solutions based off regular templates. We work closely with our clients to determine which solution or combination of solutions is best suited to achieve their goals.

From feasibility stage to final accounts through to post occupancy evaluation.

We are known to be proactive in the execution of our services. We make a conscious effort to comprehensively understand the client’s operational expectations and revenue aspirations in order to ensure the financial success of the project. With an in depth understanding of the economic landscape, our Quantity Surveyors enable you to avoid risks and benefit from opportunities. We are here to safeguard your interests throughout the project.

Our well-qualified team provides the complete array of cost planning, procurement and financial management services including;

  • Feasibility Estimates/Elemental Estimates using in-house generated data
  • Budget Estimates throughout the design phases including all building service
  • Cost Planning and Tender Estimate
  • Advise on Procurement Strategies
  • Preparation of Contract Documents Preparation of BOQ for all disciplines – POMI, CESSM, SMM7, NRM2
  • Preparation of Tender Evaluation report including advice on tenderer selection & negotiation
  • Review & Certification of monthly Interim bills
  • Value Engineering
  • Sustainability Advise
  • Preparation & Assessment of the Final Accounts
  • Valuation of Variations
  • Monthly Financial Reporting to Client
  • Budget Reconciliation reports

Direction, Regulation, and Supervision of your project from early development to completion.

Our goal is to completely fulfill all of your demands for a feasible project both in terms of functionality and budget through comprehensive Construction Project Management.

Construction projects tend to have an unceasing need for adjustments. Therefore, project management plays an important part when it comes to stabilizing the whole procedure. Successful project management is a combination of a variety of professional skills and competences. We have working with us seasoned veterans and rising stars of the industry from different backgrounds, covering all aspects of a construction project.

Servespins provides Construction and Procurement Advice, Planning and Programming, Site Management, Quality Management, Commercial Management (contractor and supplier payments etc.), and more.


Masterful guidance from seasoned experts.

We identify, analyze, prevent and solve issues and events that lead to claims, through a healthy Contract and Claim Management process. Cultivated throughout our years of experience in construction, our processes have been fine-tuned and made flexible to cater to disputes, litigations and arbitrations that tend to be unique to each project, client and circumstance.

A construction project consists of a lot of moving parts, both literally and metaphorically. Regardless of how perfect it looks on paper, things take unexpected turns more often than not, when it comes practical circumstances. Therefore, competent claim avoidance or claim resolution can save you a lot of trouble. Well versed in widely used claim management protocol published by relevant world bodies, we expertly navigate you to the best possible outcome. Our services include;

  • Contract Drafting, Review and Advice
  • Advice on Insurances, Bonds and Parent Company Guarantees
  • Claim Management and independent advice on Right and Obligation of the parties
  • Extension of Time, Disruption, Prolongation or any other claims Preparation, Review and evaluation etc.
  • Quantum Analysis

Our team brings decades of experience to the dispute resolution process along with our trademark logical and commercial approach to issues. We provide; 

  • Advice on dispute resolution (negotiation, adjudication, arbitration etc.)
  • Claim Management and independent advice on Right and Obligation of the parties
  • Party Representation in Arbitration proceeding (preparation statement of claim, Statement of Defense, Reply to Statement of Defense etc.)
  • Advise on applicable law of arbitration and substantive and procedural matters

Disputes on construction projects usually has to do with cost. Every miniscule detail of the matter must be analyzed by an impartial third party with an expertise in construction components, costs and contracts.

Our experts provide Independent Expert Determination/witness report on issue(s) in disputes.

We at Servespins have fully embraced the digital era of construction. We have adopted the technology, process, skills and talent to offer the best value for your project where the core of the process involves digital modeling.

Our BIM services include;

  • 3D BIM
  • 4D BIM
  • BIM QS
  • Bid enhancement